Becca and Felipe





last updated

17 August  2006




Las Vegas:

  • Wear really good shoes when you head out in Vegas because you will walk way farther than you expect
  • The Aladdin has a really good buffet that is great for a late lunch (we used it as our main meal of the day).  It is called the Spice Market and has Middle Eastern dishes, Mexican, very nice seafood, Italian, salads, American (carving stations and mashed potatoes and asparagus and creamed spinach and on and on) and Asian foods and I am sure I am missing some.

Lake Powell:

  • If you are renting the smallest boat available (the 19' powerboat) say that you are going to water-ski even  if you aren't because then you get a better boat.  We went through two boats before we finally got a boat that worked properly and that was a boat rigged for waterskiing.
  • Warm Creek Bay is nice and sandy for camping and if you get a late start, it isn't more than an hour from Wahweap.  If you have more time, at mile marker 24 where there is the strange cut in the face of the rock, turn right and there is a really nice sandy cove in there with even more spectacular scenery that we thought would be a great camping place when we discovered it on out last morning..
  • If you rent your boat from Whaweap, they require the last fill from their pump station, but they are a dollar+ more per gallon, so fill at Antelope Point on your way back and just top off at Wahweap. . . you will save a bundle.
  • Make sure you bring rain gear.  You might not need it, or you might get caught in a really painful thunderstorm like we did.  It didn't last more than 40 minutes, but what we wouldn't have given for a tarp to protect our wood.

Zion National Park:

  • Go!
  • Even if you only have half a day, you will not regret making the trip into the park on your way to wherever you are passing through to (although if you are in a time crunch, avoid this highway as it is slow and full of gawking tourists).  If you have a National Park Pass (which I highly recommend because they pay for themselves so quickly) it won't cost a thing and the place is phenomenal.
  • Park at the visitors center and if you aren't into hiking, take the free shuttle on the 86 minute return trip scenic route.
  • I don't think there could be a bad time of the year to visit Zion.
  • Anyone want to go?  We can't wait to go back.


  • Pretty much everything I said for Zion except that you really need at the very least a day.  Yosemite is not really on a highway that is on the way somewhere.

Santa Barbara:

  • Highly recommend the 4th of July fireworks display.
  • Blue Agave makes a really good lamb burger
  • Joe's makes really good, really strong drinks.
  • Pascuci's is yummy and decently priced.
  • You can go to a farmers market any day of the week, but Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are the best and if you smile and be friendly, the vendors are generous.
  • The kayak rental place down on the wharf is reasonable and will even let you take the kayak away on your own racks.
  • The best diving is north at Rincon and two palms or out at the Catalina Islands (right off the beach, the vis is really poor)

We need to add a number of places still, but this will keep our page from being empty :o )