Becca and Felipe





last updated

17 August  2006



Feb 06 -

My how time flies!  We can't believe we are almost at a year of marriage.  Since May we have been enjoying each other and growing together and also facing new challenges in life. 

Work has been an ever changing situation with broadening responsibilities for us both and travel added as one of mine.  We both enjoy what we are doing and like the changes we see.

Health-wise, we have both been continuing with recovery from the car accident; Felipe is great and I am doing really well, but still have the threat of shoulder surgery hanging out there and some complications from medication.  We did manage to drop a slab of marble on my foot. . .that was not so much fun.  I am finally back in a shoe, though (it only took two months) so things are looking up there. 

We have moved closer to work, sort of.  We are still camping out in the new place because it needs a fair amount of work done and we don't want to move in and then move out again, but if you could choose an 8 minute commute over a 45 minute commute (each way), I am sure you would choose less furniture and trappings as well.  Construction will start soon and then we can settle in. . Yeah!

We have done a little bit of traveling since May.  Together we have gone to Kauai and Washington DC and we are off to Vegas again to meet up with friends.  We would like to get off to see my family soon.



May 05 -

We have had a very busy and exciting year!

Between last May and this May we have both graduated, we have gotten married, we have traveled; Becca to Europe and Felipe to Florida and together to Utah, Vegas, Yosemite, and Tahoe, and we bought a house.

We have also survived a serious car crash that left us battered and injured my rib cage and shoulder enough to leave my right arm useless for several months and Felipe's back in bad shape.  We are still slowly recovering and regularly going to physical therapy.  My grandmother died in November and I am still trying to wrap myself around that.  Felipe and I figure if we can make it through the stress of planning a wedding while dealing with the repercussions of the accident (it happened about a week after he proposed) we have a leg up on dealing with hardships.  We really did well with each other and came through stronger.

We have been very happy and fortunate with wonderful lives, jobs, family and friends.